“Any child who is self-sufficient, who can tie their shoes, dress or undress themself, reflects in their joy and sense of achievement the image of human dignity which is derived from a sense of independence.


“Do not tell them how to do it. Show them how to do it and do not say a word. If you tell them they will watch your lips move. If you show them, they will want to do it themselves.

- Maria Montessori

Practical life is the foundation of Montessori education. It is the daily tasks that people perform in order to create, maintain and enrich our environment and ourselves. Practical life entails living graciously together. It is the things we do on a regular basis to take care of ourselves and of the people around us. It means creating and maintaining a home-like environment; for example, beautifying, repairing, providing food etc. Practical life also includes establishing and maintaining relationships. Practical life activities integrate the personality, and the movements help unify the spirit, mind, and body.

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